If you are not satisfied with the impact your school is having,
If you believe you could be doing more if you had more support,
And if you believe passionately in your school’s mission and vision and want to partner with others to achieve important goals that will create positive change in your community,
…writing a grant can be the answer.
If you have basic writing skills and can make the time to write a short grant,
If you understand that you are developing a skill that will serve your school in the long-term,
…writing a grant can be the answer.
If you recognize that clarity comes with movement,
And if you are willing to commit to taking the daily action steps in each email,
…then this challenge is for you.
I am not promising you that you will write a major grant or apply for a federal grant in 7 days.
I am saying that you can start small, build success, and learn what works for you.
You can become a Grant-Writing Leader.
What Can You Expect?
Each day, I will send you an email with a video lesson and a task. Each video is around 5 minutes long, and the task should take you 20 minutes or less. ​In 7 days, you'll know what your project is, whom you want to serve, how to choose a donor, and you’ll have a fully planned proposal for an easy grant. I will even provide a couple of simple grant applications to get you started!
You will also be invited to join our new private Facebook Group, Grants Academy, and you'll be among the first to be notified of new resources and training opportunities to support your grants program.
Join the 7 Day Write a Grant Challenge
This is your ultimate introduction to grant writing. In a hurry? Watch for a limited offer below!
What you'll get:
FREE worksheet for each daily task to help you complete the work
Brief training video with every lesson
Examples of winning grants and tips for success
Daily motivation to keep you on track
Certificate of Completion
2 easy grant applications included!
It's FREE - no obligations for future purchases
​In 7 days, you'll know what your project is, whom you want to serve, how to choose a donor, and you’ll have a fully-planned proposal for an easy grant.
Why Am I Doing This?
I’ve been a school leader and I know how hard it can be to find time to think about grants. You may be confused about how to start. Or maybe you just need a little motivation. I’m here to help you write successful grants for your school.
MY MISSION: to help 100 charter school leaders write successful grants in the next 5 years.
Start this grant with a small problem. Learn the process and find a new partner. Then you can apply this skill to larger grants and bigger problems.
It Starts Today
Click on the link below to start today. In just a few minutes, I'll send you a welcome message with a 5-minute video. Then every day for the next 7 days, I'll send another email with a short video lesson and a daily task. That's it! Just watch for the email and set aside a few minutes to do the work. You'll be glad you did.
7 Day Challenge Training - Now Available in Streaming Video
Limited Offer
No time to wait? No problem! This training is now available in streaming video for your convenience. You will have access to all seven daily training videos, related PDF files, and an ebook with all the daily emails in one place.
Visit my Gumroad product page to learn more at: www.gumroad.com/peggydowns
Save 20%
Use this link for a special discount and save 20% - 7 Day Challenge
Limited Offer: This 20% discount is only good for the first ten people who use it.
New Series by Peggy Downs - Grant Writing for School Leaders
Book 1: Start-Up Guide for School Grants (Answers to the Questions You Should Be Asking)
Book 2: Charter School Grants (Save Time and Write a Better Grant)
Book 3: Grant Writing for Impact (Leverage Grants to Dramatically Increase Funding, Impact, and Credibility for Your School)
NEW! Book 4: Grant Writing for Impact Workbook (A Practical Resource for Developing School Grants)
Each book in this series addresses a different level of grant writing skills. Just getting started and full of questions? Start with book 1. Ready to write your first grant? Choose book 2. Interested in learning how to develop a school grants program? Then book 3 is for you. Book 4 is a companion workbook for book 3, with 100+ pages of checklists, templates, and planning pages to support your work with grants.
Each book offers links to free resources to help you be successful with school grants.
Order yours on Amazon today.
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My Mission:
to help 100 charter school leaders
write successful grants
in the next 5 years.
More info and a ton of free resources are waiting for you at:
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